Smart contract controlled internet of things && sounds && images && light && voltage && bits && bytes;
to be used in time based interactive compositions, permanent installations, spatial design, game mechanics, live performances, having an immutable permanent record of events.
A smart contract holds “n” amount of parameters which has a min/max integer range.
struct Param { uint id; uint minVal; uint maxVal; address lastAddress; uint lastChange; uint value; }
During the performance/installation, wallets can connect to this website and edit any parameters they want. A python script reads the necessary parameters and variables in real time and converts them to “Open Sound Control” messages. Messages are broadcasted to every computer in the local network.
/time 329754
/param [2, 479, '0x5A135de1dB9A1eDc434e661c510B51FC199Fc728', 27033]
/section [1, 1638124971, 8, '0xFaDdfE36a6677768A5bF8b3593253D2D38b7C702']
Any software that can read OSC can parse the incoming data and control anything. Lights in a room, pitch of sine waves, relay controlled electronics, fog machine, modular synth, ram data of a nes game…
Music for smart contract controlled electronics + visuals and instruments Duration: 20-30 minutes
8 parameters in contract.
Supercollider reads the data for generating sounds / musical phrases - TouchDesigner generates real time visuals. Instruments play alongside.